Reflection 3

I Agree that putting words together requires a little bit of artistic qualities, but not everyone has an artistic vision, what really draws me into writing is controversial topics , topics that makes me passionate, those that affect my emotions.  words are the most powerful weapons anybody could have, putting them down even makes them stronger, sometimes it becomes very difficult for me to write merely because I do not have the motivation to write.

Written words and communication is very important, I can express how I feel, think or understand things around me if I put them into writing. Putting thoughts on a paper helps me to solve my problems or provides me with a sense of peace. Writing journals and diaries are ways of documenting personal memories.

Sometimes my whole purpose of writing is to effect change in my life or that  of my readers I blog about controversial issues like abortion, gay and  other pressing issues  when i do this am using persuasive words to change the mind of my readers. This might sound weird but the truth is that sometimes I just write for attention, I will blog about a particular topic just to make me famous.

Educational purpose is another reason why I might write sometimes, this is sometimes a class requirement. I might write  for various reason but the underlying fact is we all have a story to share and writing gives us the opportunity to do just that.

Reflection 2

Motivation is an important ingredient when it comes to writing what motivates writers differ from person to person, but generally there are some few motivational factors that runs across the board, these motivational factors is what usually fuels the writers inclination to write. Being passionate about a particular topic is what energies me to start writing its much easier for me to write about something that is passionate to me.

Secondly I write about things that are frustrating, past hurt emotional pain, writing about this negative energies helps me come into terms with what has happen in the past, sometimes  just writing about them helps me to understand why all these things happen. Sometimes my motivation from writing comes from within me, most writers share this kind of motivation, some writers have developed a great work ethic and writing becomes one place to put this discipline to use.

Sometimes my motivation for writing comes from external motives, in any case to me being able to write about anything is the greatest weapon any person could have, this explains the saying, the pen is greater than the sword, I write to express love ,emotion, happiness and above all document my life, My strongest motive for writing will be to express how I feel, As a young boy growing up with one parent, I usually wrote letters to my dad expressing how I felt about certain issues going on in my life, I there cultivated this habit of writing about things that disagree, or agree

Sometimes just yeaning to connect with other people is all the motivation that is required for one to write, to reach into someone’s life and make a difference.

weblog 4

I can confidently say that most college students are not interested in how composition are thought but rather which instructor is teaching, most student’s will take a class with an instructor who will give them the grade as compared to how effectively he or she teaches the class .I believe that any kind of assignment that challenges students to improve their sentence construction as well as encouraging them to write argumentatively is always a good start.

Writing about ideas and themes are good ways of challenging students to be creative with their writing ,I disagree with Stanley fish that they produce dull argument about worn out topics, students are rather motivated when their able to generate ideas and expand them into essays, also I disagree that student who take composition courses are focuses on worn out topics will learn the same thing sitting around dorm rooms and coffee shops, most composition provide stimulating and challenging topics which is intended to bring all the creativity of the a writer to play. I recently had an essay assignment which ask me to write on the effects of big government on health, I had to research ,listen to the news, read newspapers, I did not only learn a lot about government, but also encourage me to be current with the news.

Sentences constructed in a structure with logical relationship is very important because a good sentence construction rolls directly into good paragraphs and hence good essays, I believe that fish’s composition which focus on forms of language method that emphasize on content is critical for any composition writing, because a good grip on any language will enhance ones ability to express themselves which is the basic aim of any composition class.

Collin Brooke makes the augment that he doesn’t believe that fish’s student can put together paragraphs and essay, I believe brook is wrong because fishes method of teaching a good sentence construction will eventually roll into good paragraph and I agree with brook that writing is necessary the blend of form and content in a particular context.

Grammar, syntax lexicons and text are very vital parts in constructing a good essay, the analogy could be made that writing and essay is like constructing a building and the material needed for constructing this building are grammar, syntax lexicons, without these materials it will be virtual impossible to construct a good essay.



Weblog 3

The culture and the habit of reading has decreased tremendously among the youth of this generation, I think it matters a lot what children read, but most importantly cultivating the habit of getting children to read is far more fetching. I disagree with Harold bloom who claims that reading J.K Rowling’s prepares children for reading king, am of the believe that any book that encourages children to read has done it part of the bargain. I think parents should encourage their children to read as much as they possible can.

Bloom claims that the appreciation of positive literature has declined, that I agree, but this doesn’t mean that anything that fall short of a good literature should be critiqued ,but rather should be encouraged for the mere reason that, it encourages the youth and children to read, there are various reasons for the decline of literature one of them is the internet and the age of technology most kids will surf on the internet rather than pick up a literature book from the library, besides parents are not encouraging their children to read at leisure time.

Parent should in no circumstance discourage their children from reading, because the book was written by Stephen King or J.K Rowling’s , children reading at an early stage has been identified as the best way to cultivate reading. Statistics reveal that about twenty percent of American cannot read, getting children to read the various series of Harry Potter this days can only be deemed a victory.

Steve Almonds responds to bloom article ,was long overdue, he makes the point that credentials doesn’t matter, rather Steven King and the rest of the crew should be credited for effectively awakening the culture from its stupor .Blooms article did not provide any suggestions on how to solve the current problems, I believe if there is anybody dumping down of America culture its Bloom. After all Steven King and Rowling’s are getting this kids to read, What is he doing?

The reasons for a low literacy rate is due to the fact that most people aren’t getting enough education and more so parent’s do not encourage their children to start reading at early age, a low literacy rate can have a very serious consequences on anybody, ranging from not being able to read important information to difficulty in a filling a job application form.

Reflection 1

I run to relieve stress, I run to relieve my mild depression. I run for physical conditioning of my heart and lungs. I run for efficient flow of blood and oxygen throughout the body. I enjoy reaching runners high. Running brings me to euphoric and calm state of mind. Running makes me happy. I feel energetic and creative when am running. Running improves my fitness and stamina. I run to increase my bone density. Running is a health activity. I run to loose weight. I challenge myself when I run. I because its one of the inexpensive ways of exercising. I run because it’s a flexible method of exercising. Running increases my overall self being. Irun because it gives me a good posture. Running increases my endurance. I run to get away from problems I run to remember my problems. Running make me a social person. Running gives me a sense of accomplishment. Running gives me a measurable progress. I run to raise money. I run to make a statement. I run to continually condition my body. I for run for freedom. I run for pleasure. I run to while away time. I run because I love the idea of a journey, running is felled with limited routes of discovery, running helps me in solving my day to day problems. Running makes me confident and ready to face the world every morning. Running keeps me from procrastinating. I run to show my patriotism. I run for the sick. I run to explore. I run to hunt. I run to survive. I run for peace.I run to protest.

Weblog 2

It was the year two thousand and three, I had travelled with my parents to Bangladesh, this country is considered one of the poorest countries in the world, our journey has been very uncomfortable, seating on my left side in the plane was a lactating mother with an infant, the baby cried through out our journey to say the least, besides my ordeal, our luggage was missing upon arrival. Our destination was a little village called Bashidura, all roads leading to this village was winding and rough, after twenty minutes of leaving the airport we were in the” middle of nowhere”. Mom was visiting a friend she found through letter correspondence and decided to take us with her, my initial attitude about the journey was that it was going to be the worst times of my life.

Our arrival to the village was deep into the night, it was dark, since electricity was the last thing on anybody’s mind in the village it felt as if we fell into a dark hole. I could hear the insects and the birds all around, after a long search we finally arrived at this little hat. Mom knocked at the door and shouted “Kushiatia” this was the name of the lady we been looking for, she in invited as in, the only light source was a lantern. We slept on the a floor that night, all I could think of was my cozy room back home in the states. My mom’s friend was very excited to see us, but felt very bad that she couldn’t provide us with anything comfortable. In the event of my mind wondering, I thought about what I can do to help this people.

Early the next day, mom friend took us around to see all part of the village; the people were very hostile to us because of the war in Iraq, and many other things Americans were involve in, I realize that most of the children were dying of malaria which is a preventable disease cause by mosquitoes, I was striked by the plight of these children to provide them with mosquito net, I was only worth one hundred dollars, which enabled me to purchase hundred mosquito net for hundred families, of which I could say saved hundred’s of life’s, this surprised the whole community, They were still skeptical about our presence in their village and still believe we had something under our sleeves. Even though we did something good there was a conflict because we went against their expectation.

Weblog 1

The White Coat

West Africa, Ghana was where I grew up, my ambition was to wear a white Coat one day, The white coat is the single most recognizable symbol of the Doctors profession, growing up I was fascinated and inspired by the work of the” white coats” as I use to call them, what probably inspired me about them was the respect that was accorded them in my community, the selfless nature of their job and the most importantly the smile on their faces knowing that they made a difference in someone’s life.

The white coat is associated with authority, superhuman and goodness. When I move into the united states my passion for being a medical doctor evolved more and more when I began working in a hospital, I realize how patients completely trusted their doctors, It did not matter what type of race they were, they trusted and hoped that they will receive the best care regardless, my work in the hospital revealed a lot about doctors, that I did not know, I realized they worked very hard but sometimes were disappointed by their results.which made their practice very stressful.

The white coat despite all that it stand for has also been associated with some negative aspect of medicine, the disease white coat hypertension is a phenomenon in which patients exhibit an elevated blood pressure due to the hospital setting or the doctors white coat this is believe to be the anxiety that is associated with people visit to the hospitals, most hospital and clinics have rescinded the use of the white coat as a result of this negativity, but nonetheless the merits of the white coat outweigh the demerit, and i propose that all hospital consider it use to identify the great work that all doctors do, As for me am still working to make my dream a reality.



Everyone, am very excited to be part of this class, I like the blogging idea, I think it will make this class a more exciting one. I prefer this to the blackboard because it makes it easy to track all your assignment, most importantly it allows us to express our views on a much lager scale, hope we all have an exciting blogging experience.

Thank You.

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